Διεθνείς δημοσιεύσεις


Seroglou F., Leci, A., Dimoula I.N, Vlachou T. & Arapaki X. (2015). Digital narratives for teaching science in the primary school: The case of paintings as a background. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference ‘’History, Philosophy and Science Teaching’’ (http://ihpst.net/content.aspx?page_id=22&club_id=360747&module_id=187166).


Kontopodi, E., Tsouggou, V., Arapaki, X., (2013). The utility of New Technologies in Education and Visual Arts. Paper presented at the International Scientific Conference eRA-8, organized by the Hellenic Educational Society and the T.E.I. of Piraeus (υπό έκδοση) pdf


Magos, K., Kontoyianni, A. & Arapaki, X. (2012). 'The mouse and his daughter': Teaching through folktales. In M. Morgado & M.N. Pores, (Eds.) Textos, Imagens e Contos sobre Mobilidade. Instituto Polotiecnico de Castelo Branco, Escola Superior de Educaca, 91-97. pdf


Koliopoulos, D., Gouskou, E. & Arapaki, X. (2012). Organizing principles of a school-museum teaching intervention for pre-school children. Skholê, 17, 21-25. pdf


Arapaki, X., (2011). The necessity of teaching visual arts in primary school. In Salla T. (Ed.) Contemporary Approaches in Art Education, Nissos, 155-164. pdf


Arapaki, X. & Koliopoulos, D. (2011). Popularization and teaching of the relationship between visual arts and natural sciences: historical, philosophical and didactical dimensions of the problem. Science & Education, 20 (7-8), 797-803. pdf


Nisiotou, J. & Arapaki, X., (2009). Design, application and evaluation of a program in Art   Εducation for children with special needs. In the Proceedings of the International Congress "We Speak the Same Culture", 29/4 – 1/5/2009, Gazi University, Ankara, 775-782. pdf


Arapaki, X., Vaos, A. & Mouriki, A., (2009). The picture and the narrative. From the iconological interpretation to the storytelling. In the Proceedings of the International Congress "We Speak the Same Culture", 29/4 – 1/5/2009, Gazi University, Ankara, 765 – 774. pdf


Arapaki, X. & Kontogianni, A. (2006). Suppositions … Propositions .. about TRANSITIONS. Using New Technologies in the Field of Visual Arts Education and Drama in Education. Ιn ESREA Life history and Biography Network: Conference Transitional Spaces, Transitional Processes and Research” (http://esrea2006.ece.uth.gr/downloads/arapakikontoyanni.doc).


Arapaki, X. & Katsiou-Zafrana M. (2004). The artistic expression of kindergarten children after a “guided” teaching approach, European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 12, 2, 43-58. pdf


Koliopoulos, D. & Arapaki, X. (2004), Art, science and technology in early childhood education: constructing an in-service training program about the notion of color, In G. Haktanir & T. Guler (Eds.) Proceedings of OMEP 2003 World Conference, v.1, 260-269, Yayima Hazirlayandar Editors. pdf